Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What we are


After watching, consider if the video makes an accurate generalization of humanity, and what that may mean to you. Share your thoughts below.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rebecca Black - Friday

Many, if not all, of you are familiar with the song, Friday, that shocked the youTube world a few months ago. This video became very famous, very quickly, which leads to the question, how has today's society changed to the point where literally anyone can buy or create fame? What does today's society view as entertainment, and is extremely poor quality media more entertaining than mildly good videos and songs? Also, how does Rebecca Black represent the common teenager in today's society?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hot Wheels

Things to think about:
How is the hot wheels track in this video symbolic of our life

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ohio Safari

Here are some things to think about as you watch the video and reflect after:
What feelings do the pictures of the animals evoke? What could drive anyone to want to own upwards of 50 animals? Was it a good idea to shoot the animals rather than have them tranquilized? Finally, what do you believe can be done to prevent this from ever happening in Ohio again?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Boy Meets World- Plays With Squirrels

Boy Meets World was a classic tv show that many of us grew up loving. In this scene, one of the simplest characters in the show returns during a class reunion with some profound advice for his estranged friends. Was his advice accurate? Is it still relevant today in our culture of change? What do you think of the advice?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Awkward Penguin: Why is it so awesome??

See http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/socially-awkward-penguin...

The socially awkward penguin is a very popular online meme... but why??

Why is it a penguin? Why is it a blue background? Why is the penguin looking to the left? Why is it on a square picture? Why don't I begin any of these questions differently? Why is awkwardness funny?

All of these questions have important philosophical significance.